10 Unusual Deaths That Will Make You Wonder
Death is inevitable, something all of us cannot escape from. Still, many people hope to go out in a peaceful and painless manner such as growing old and dying in one’s sleep. Unfortunately, no one can tell death when and how to show its ugly head, just like this people who would never have believed would die in the most unusual ways.

In 2012, a West Palm Beach man collapsed and died after eating roaches and worms in a contest to win a snake.
Edward Archbold, 32, and several other contestants signed up to eat a variety of insects at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach on Oct. 6. After eating dozens of giant cockroaches, Archbold was declared the winner of an ivory-ball python.
But after winning, Archibold felt sick and started vomitting. He then collapsed and was pronounced dead
In a world where the consumption of insects is considered a staple diet, Edward Archbold’s death was indeed very rare. (photo)
David Phyall, 50, the last resident in a block of flats due to be demolished in Bishopstoke, near Southampton, Hampshire, England, in 2008, decapitated himself with a chainsaw to highlight the injustice of being forced to move out.
Sergeant Mark Carter said he found Mr Phyall in the lounge with blood spattering the walls, floor and a cabinet.
The Independent reported that the suicide was one that was well planned and thought through. (photo)

photo credit: generalstussner
photo credit: wikipedia
Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio, U.S., politician defending a man on a charge of murder, accidentally shot himself demonstrating how the victim might have shot himself while in the process of drawing a weapon when standing from a kneeling position. Though the defendant, Thomas McGehan, was ultimately cleared, Vallandigham died from his wound.

Shanice Clark, a 21-year-old student and basketball player at California University of Pennsylvania, died after inhaling chewing gum into her lungs while asleep.
She was found by her roommate after falling out of bed in the wee hours of the morning. She was taken to a local hospital where the doctors pronounced her dead. (Photo)
photo credit: vinos-photos
When Dean Rice had a sneezing fit on the first day of a family camping trip, his parents thought he was suffering from hay fever.
But when the 18-year-old suddenly complained of an agonising pain in his ear, they knew it was much more serious. Seconds later, Dean collapsed and died.
His mother told of the shock and pain of losing her son to something as simple as a sneeze.
Christine Rice, 45, said: “He sneezed and then my boy was gone. Just like that – it was like a flick of a switch. I just can’t take it in that he sneezed and then he was dead.”

When Alex Mitchell collapsed and died while watching an episode of the Goodies in 1975, the manner of his demise passed into comedy legend.
It was said that Alex laughed non stop for 25 minutes during the comedy show causing his heart to give out as a result of lack of oxygen.

Ronald Opus jumped from a 10-story window intending to commit suicide. On his way down, someone shot a bullet from the ninth floor, killing him instantly. Opus had no idea that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor, which would have hindered his suicide attempt had the bullet not killed him.
The bullet was traced back to Opus’ father, who had a habit of threatening his wife with an unloaded shotgun. He believed the gun was unloaded when he fired the shot that killed his son.
Police later discovered that Ronald Opus, the son, had put the bullet in the gun because his mother cut him off financially. Knowing about his dad’s habit of threatening her with the unloaded gun, he hoped the bullet would kill his mother so he could receive financial support from his father. Thinking that his plan had not worked, the son decided to take his life that day.
The medical examiner closed the case as a suicide because the son had actually murdered himself by putting the bullet in the gun. (Source)

Kevin Whitrick, 42, took his life after being goaded by dozens of chatroom users from across the world who initially believed he was play acting.
But as they watched in horror, Mr Whitrick climbed onto a chair, smashed through a ceiling and then hanged himself with a piece of rope. (Photo)
455 BC: Athenian author Aeschylus was killed when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head.
Death By The Cockroaches
In 2012, a West Palm Beach man collapsed and died after eating roaches and worms in a contest to win a snake.
Edward Archbold, 32, and several other contestants signed up to eat a variety of insects at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach on Oct. 6. After eating dozens of giant cockroaches, Archbold was declared the winner of an ivory-ball python.
But after winning, Archibold felt sick and started vomitting. He then collapsed and was pronounced dead
In a world where the consumption of insects is considered a staple diet, Edward Archbold’s death was indeed very rare. (photo)
Death By the Chainsaw
David Phyall, 50, the last resident in a block of flats due to be demolished in Bishopstoke, near Southampton, Hampshire, England, in 2008, decapitated himself with a chainsaw to highlight the injustice of being forced to move out.
Sergeant Mark Carter said he found Mr Phyall in the lounge with blood spattering the walls, floor and a cabinet.
The Independent reported that the suicide was one that was well planned and thought through. (photo)
Death By the Javelin

photo credit: generalstussner
In 1999, Jon Desborough, a physical education teacher at Liverpool College, died when he slipped and fell onto the blunt end of a javelin he was retrieving. The javelin passed through his eye socket and into his brain, causing severe brain damage and putting him into a coma. He died a month later.
Death By Example.
Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio, U.S., politician defending a man on a charge of murder, accidentally shot himself demonstrating how the victim might have shot himself while in the process of drawing a weapon when standing from a kneeling position. Though the defendant, Thomas McGehan, was ultimately cleared, Vallandigham died from his wound.
Death By Chewing Gum.
Shanice Clark, a 21-year-old student and basketball player at California University of Pennsylvania, died after inhaling chewing gum into her lungs while asleep.
She was found by her roommate after falling out of bed in the wee hours of the morning. She was taken to a local hospital where the doctors pronounced her dead. (Photo)
Death By Sneezing.
When Dean Rice had a sneezing fit on the first day of a family camping trip, his parents thought he was suffering from hay fever.
But when the 18-year-old suddenly complained of an agonising pain in his ear, they knew it was much more serious. Seconds later, Dean collapsed and died.
His mother told of the shock and pain of losing her son to something as simple as a sneeze.
Christine Rice, 45, said: “He sneezed and then my boy was gone. Just like that – it was like a flick of a switch. I just can’t take it in that he sneezed and then he was dead.”
Death By Laughing.
When Alex Mitchell collapsed and died while watching an episode of the Goodies in 1975, the manner of his demise passed into comedy legend.
It was said that Alex laughed non stop for 25 minutes during the comedy show causing his heart to give out as a result of lack of oxygen.
Murder or Suicide?
Ronald Opus jumped from a 10-story window intending to commit suicide. On his way down, someone shot a bullet from the ninth floor, killing him instantly. Opus had no idea that a safety net had been installed just below the eighth floor, which would have hindered his suicide attempt had the bullet not killed him.
The bullet was traced back to Opus’ father, who had a habit of threatening his wife with an unloaded shotgun. He believed the gun was unloaded when he fired the shot that killed his son.
Police later discovered that Ronald Opus, the son, had put the bullet in the gun because his mother cut him off financially. Knowing about his dad’s habit of threatening her with the unloaded gun, he hoped the bullet would kill his mother so he could receive financial support from his father. Thinking that his plan had not worked, the son decided to take his life that day.
The medical examiner closed the case as a suicide because the son had actually murdered himself by putting the bullet in the gun. (Source)
Death Showing Live.
Kevin Whitrick, 42, took his life after being goaded by dozens of chatroom users from across the world who initially believed he was play acting.
But as they watched in horror, Mr Whitrick climbed onto a chair, smashed through a ceiling and then hanged himself with a piece of rope. (Photo)
The Tortoise Death.
455 BC: Athenian author Aeschylus was killed when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head.
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